Interview with Loz Hardy for (October 2000)

Black and white image of the band Kingmaker. From left to right: Myles Howell, Loz Hardy and John Andrew

Did you know that our very own Tyler Jacobson used to run a fan site for the Hull band Kingmaker? Yes, the same Kingmaker we play on Casual Friday and The Casual Sound. That passion project led to friendships with the band—including a 2014 collaboration between Tyler and Kingmaker drummer John Andrew (you can listen to it here.)

Thanks to Loz Hardy’s generosity, Tyler had the chance to interview the Kingmaker guitarist and singer about his time in the band and beyond. It’s a fascinating and revealing read—Loz’s way with words shines not only in his lyrics but in conversation. Some of the questions may feel a little dated, which happens over 25 years. Ignore it or revel in it. Either way, enjoy.

Continue reading “Interview with Loz Hardy for (October 2000)”

Danger Radio Episode 184 – New Wave, Indie, Punk, Brit-centric mix pt. III of III

Danger Radio (RIP) only made it one more episode after months of neglect. That sometimes happens with blogs and podcasts. But it had a great run of around five years. Click here for pt. 1 | Click here for pt. 2

The Casual Sound launches on July 3, 2017. Sign up for our newsletter and be the first kid on your block to take the shiny new podcast out for a spin.

Danger Radio Episode 183 – More from Erica’s Party

The trip down memory lane continues and picks up where Episode 180 left off. Seriously, just like Rogue One and A New Hope. You can piece it all together and hear where one dovetails into the next.

Episode 183 is part 2 of 3. Click here for pt. I | Click here for pt. 3

Danger Radio Episode 180 – Britpop, Indie, New Wave, Punk mix

The Casual Sound Podcast

As we’re preparing for the launch of The Casual Sound podcast, I thought it might be fun to take a trip back in time to three years ago, when Tyler and Jake spun some hard drives for our favorite Meadowlark bartender, Erica, on her birthday. No talk – just a mix, just short of an hour, of the songs we wanted to hear.

This is part 1 of 3. Click here for part 2.