Episode 34: Happy 2022. Is it still last Summer?

You should know that the “Clowns” song doesn’t go on forever and we cut it off halfway through. Even as a fan of that track I agree – it’s too long.

Episode 34 was recorded on the same afternoon, outside and germ-free, as episode 33. Lager was involved but it still comes across as nothing short of professional. Really, we’re nothing if not pros.

Be prepared to get turned on cos this episode features a track that is sure to be your favorite in no time flat. You’ll know it when you hear it (and if you don’t – fret not – we call it out as we’re prone to do.)


  1. Talk Show – Stress
  2. Velvet Crush – Drive Me Down
  3. Velocity Girl – Sorry Again
  4. Affleck’s Palace – It All Comes Around
  5. Shaun Ryder – Clowns
  6. Blur – Bang
  7. Brakesbrakesbrakes – Two Shocks
  8. Piroshka – Everlastingly Yours
  9. Pastel – Deeper Than Holy
  10. The Pastels – Remote Clumbs
  11. IDLES – Model Village
  12. Revolver – Painting Pictures

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